PCB Prototype

The 5 Factors to Consider When Deciding the PCB Board Size

All the PCBs or printed circuit boards perform the same function, but still, they are different. People get confused because the differences are not easily visible unless analyzed minutely. They think one PCB can be used in watches, home appliances as well industrial equipment.

Among so many differences, the most obvious one is the PCB board size. The board size directly impacts the functioning of the circuit as well as the budget and deadline of the manufacturing. In other words, the PCB board size brings lots of changes.

The PCB board size requirement seems very simple. It feels like choosing one from the available sizes based on the product in which the PCB has to be fitted. But sadly, it’s a lot more than that. In most cases, the selected size does not work well and the manufacturers have to redo the production. So, it’s always advised to work with the PCB Prototype service provider before final production.

Moving on, the common PCB board sizes are:

  • Tiny and highly dense PCBs
  • Circular shaped PCBs
  • Thin boards
  • L-shaped PCBs
  • Square and rectangle-shaped PCBs

Now, we will discuss the factors for choosing the right PCB board size

Number of track layers 

The first and important factor to decide the PCB board size is the number of the track layers. The more complex the PCB is, the more the number of layers in it. Based on the end-use of the PBCs, you should decide the complexity and number of layers. The additional layers will increase the production cost as well as the board size. In simple words, more layers mean a bigger PCB.

Design and size of the track

After specifying the number of track layers, you should work on the track design and size. You should consider the design and size of the track on the bare board. While designing, the number of track layers might change or the PCB board will become very different. For the given numbers, if the layers are created farther, the area will be restricted or the size of the PCB will increase. On the other hand, if they are closer, there will be problems in connectivity.

Number of mounting components 

The application where PCBs are to be used will decide the number of mounting components. For example, a digital watch, which is one of the smallest electronic products, requires fewer mounting components than a computer laptop. Whereas, an industrial equipment PCB will require more components than a computer laptop. Sometimes, the counting becomes confusing so you should leave at least a half-inch space on all sides. You should follow the same for a PCB prototype.

Know and understand the mounting methods

Different mounting methods are used by PCB manufacturers. And all the methods have their pros and cons. You should understand the details of the methods and how they will work for you. You should know and understand the components that will be mounted and how they will be mounted. To avoid any issue in the future, you should leave some free space on the board.

Sufficient cooling space

PCBs with high component densities and processing speeds expel high amount of heat. They raise thermal issues and lead to many electrical issues. Also, the functioning of the PCBs deteriorates. This issue is rare in small PCBs, but still, you shouldn’t ignore it. To avoid any thermal issues in the products, you should leave sufficient space. With this, the heat will sink.

A right-sized PCB creates a huge difference in performance. So, you should consider the factors discussed in this post to determine the right PCB board size. Also, you should consider the PCB Prototype Service before final production.